Ah, she gets an hr lunch (which for us means an hr in the playground where she fails to eat her lunch) and 20 mins mornin recess. Also at least 20 mins exercise a day in class time plus sport lessons a few days a week. And the popular approach to schooling younger kids here is all about learning through play and investigation. Which sounds awesome, but is resulting in my DD saying "I go to school to muck around and play" she doesn't want to skip another grade next because if she doesn't skip she can keep slacking off... She's in yr 2 (4 weeks of the year left), I asked what year she should do next year 2, 3 or 4 (she's already skipped so repeating would put her back to age norm and was thrown in there to see how she responded). She said "yr 10!" And laughed, so I had a laugh and asked again... "4.. So wait, 3 so it's easy and I don't have to do anything". I want her in the 3/4 class, school is pushing the "social maturity" cart to keep her in a straight 3...

Anyway, I agree kids need to play, my kid also actually needs to learn to to work... And to receive at least some of her instruction at her level.

Last edited by MumOfThree; 11/19/13 04:23 PM. Reason: clarity and typos