I'm sorry, deacaongirl. I'm glad you were prepared though,knowing it is a dumb test, and not totally shocked like I was. I have to wonder how many parents take the results at face value and give up on their kid. frown

I'm not sure if the school has minimum cut-offs for a composite or you can just use one score, but you could try to make a case about math, like Loy says, until you can get other testing. DD was accepted into the gifted program (for cluster grouping in the normal classroom) based on her 130 verbal score. Ironically, on the WISC, she is so much higher for non-verbal (as well as being over 130 for verbal) but the CogAT test did not pick up on the non-verbal abilities at all.

I wonder if they still have your DD's score sheet and if you could look at it, or at least see how many questions she answered.