My DS is 3, but turns 4 in November, thus missing the cut-off for our state-funded pre-k (I have called, and there are absolutely no exceptions). We don't use daycare currently - my husband and I alternate our work schedule, with both of our mothers filling in any days we both have to work. I am concerned about my son, and am considering putting him in a pre-school in the fall to get him used to school, plus the pre-k in our county is at local daycare/pre-schools rather than in the actual county-run schools. Does anyone have any suggestions on what sort of things I should look for? DS3 is already reading, knows his numbers, has been able to read the alphabet since long before 2, knows his shapes and colors, etc. After reading the posts, I'm certain that you have all experienced this, and I would love to hear your words of wisdom!

Thanks in advance,

Last edited by Mama; 05/31/08 12:20 PM.