AHHHH. I'm meeting with my son's first grade teacher (fantastic, great teacher) and the principal (will check for pulse to see if I can truthfully say she's braindead) tomorrow afternoon regarding our decision to homeschool. I spoke very briefly with our son's teacher tonight and she seems to think that the only reason we're taking him out is because nobody has officially labeled him gifted and given him workbook pages that say Grade 2 on the top of them. As great a teacher she is, she completely missed the mark on this. She insists that she could give him worksheets that say Grade 2 if that's what I want. I tried to convince her that the main reason we've decided to home school is that we know we could challenge our son closer to his full potential than the school - with it's class inclusion, MCAS testing, and No Child Left Behind Policies. She is only reading it as I want the world to know how smart my kid is. How do you get around that?

parents of boys l is 6 and d is 3