What you wrote could describe my DS last year. We tested to get to the bottom of the issues and it turns out he's 2e (processing speed LD). Writing is extremely challenging for him and he completely shut down at school because of the stress of having to write things. At the same time he was unchallenged by the content which makes for a fun combination of things being too hard AND too easy.

Does he fight written work more than oral? Does he perform worse in timed tasks than when working at his own pace? Is he extremely asynchronous in some way? Obviously I have no idea if your DS has an LD (and I've now learned there are a lot more variety of them than I had known about before this adventure). I just wanted to point out that there could be a lot more to the situation than simply not being challenged. In our case it all made a lot of sense once we had the test results. Hopefully you can find some answers soon. Good luck.

Last edited by chay; 10/22/13 07:45 AM.