I've found my way to this board on several occasions when I have been trying to get a better understanding of MAP scores and now find myself with a question.
I have a son who just entered into second grade. He was recognized in pre-school as an advanced learner and it's been evident in his time in kindergarten and 1st grade. Last spring (end of 1st grade) he scored a 221 on his MAP testing for Math and a 203 for Reading.
Just yesterday he came home telling me that he had completed his MAP testing for this fall testing period and he scored a 205 on his reading, but dropped dramatically on his math to a 202.
I'm not trying to freak out yet, but was curious as to whether or not this is common for children after summer break? My son is heavily involved in sports throughout the summer and we don't put any pressure on him academically through the summer months due to his demanding sports calendar for those months.
Should I be worried with that big of a drop? I'll be the first to admit that I know very little about how all of this works, but he told me the test was a lot harder this time around and that it covered things he has not yet been taught.
I am hoping to pull from the experiences of this board to give me some calm and soothing words or maybe even some advice as to how I might be able to work with my child to help bring his scores back up.
Also, I noticed that a lot of you all will say your child is falling in the 99th percentile. Where are you all getting this info? The only thing our reports tell us is the numerical score of the test.