I attended the open house at the school of my daughter, who is in 2nd grade. Booklets that students wrote about themselves were on the wall, and they contained lots of spelling mistakes. I think even in 2nd grade, errors in writing should be corrected (especially when it will be displayed), not because one expects perfection from 7-year-olds but because children learn from fixing their mistakes. I suppose this makes me a critic of "invented spelling". Is there research to support my skepticism? When my daughter writes stories at home she often asks me how to spell words. She wants to get things right.

My daughter's teacher is unlikely to start correcting the work of her "authors", as she referred to them at open house. Any suggestions on how to correct the work our daughter brings home without demoralizing her?

Last edited by Bostonian; 10/04/13 06:16 AM. Reason: corrected typo in a post about spelling