Originally Posted by momoftwins
Our school systems uses Raz-Kids. My twins (6.5) just started using it last week. They love it. Their teacher assigned them to read books at a particular level, but they are also able to go to the "book room" and choose books from other levels when they are using the web site at home. They enjoy earning points in order to furnish their rocket. When they miss a question in the comprehension quizzes, the report identifies the topic of the question (main idea, compare and contrast, etc.) It seems like a good program.

Yes - Raz Kids is a decent ELA resource. We had exactly the same experience with Raz Kids as momoftwins above. It was useful at some point. The particular pluses are that it has elements of a game and it is completely automated and the child can move at the child's own pace. You should try it. ($100 / 12 months (?) looks reasonable.)

I considered their other offerings (e. g., Reading A Z, Vocabulary) but decided against them. I found vocabulary.com instead, which DC enjoys (also completely automated).

Another ELA resource is Michael Clay Thompson which provides a complete ELA curriculum and has rave reviews among homeschoolers. MCT:
1) more expensive
2) you have to actually teach the child
3) some materials are more useful than others
4) you have to determine at which level to start before you buy the materials.
(We are not using MCT because of #2 above, but you are homeschooling - so it should not be a problem.)