Originally Posted by KJP
Originally Posted by ultramarina
Hmm. So if it's that easy to game an IQ test, at least for a 5yo, what does that really mean?

Could the system be similarly gamed for an 8yo? A 14yo?

What does this suggest about the validity of IQ tests for young children?

I think the validity is fine as long as the tests are taken as they are meant to be taken - without advanced preparation.

If a parent wants their kid to test as gifted on an IQ test and goes about prepping that kid for the test then the results are spoiled. They might as well have just made themselves a certificate that says "I have a gifted kid".

The problem is that there's only so much ink in that printer, though... so the gifted kids who don't have all those advantages don't wind up getting their certificates... (See DeHe's post)

Schr�dinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.