My son needed lots of breaks. He really needed a tester willing to give him lots of breaks and be patient. He became very fatigued. I learned my lesson brought a lot of snacks and we (DS and I) were both very assertive this time about saying a break is needed. We had two days scheduled but we could have really used three - it took awhile because he went so far in the questions, add to that needing breaks... I would err on scheduling it over as many days as possible (if you don't need them then you don't need them) rather than pushing him. Also, if I were to do it again, I would try not to do it on consectutive days (I would schedule like a day or so apart). That's just my kid but he was really exhausted by it (and he was being tested for dysgraphia and dyslexia as well).

Last edited by Irena; 09/23/13 09:37 AM.