I think there is some ignorance here. Some people do believe in fairies, in the paranoramal, in the extraterrestrial and I think that if you have any religious belief, you should negate another. There are plenty of people that practice wiccan. For them the whole Celtic, Merlin, thing is very real. And Santa is about giving. Introducing the concept to children. Just like there are diet restrictions in religion because the simple will take better care by eating better if it against the religion than because it is good for them. Though when first instituted the originators never conceived of kosher potato chips or KitKat. And the tooth fairy, how different is that from so many religious rituals of growing up? We did the first communion with DD, not because I believe it is Christ's body, but it is our cultural history for both her father and me.

So whether it is fairies, ghosts, or aliens, there should be respect. It could be someone's religion.