Originally Posted by puffin
How old is your child? I wouldn't be happy that the child was told not me (unless we are talking about an older kid). You may not have a legal case but if the school agreed to something in writing there is contract which shouldn't be voided without discussion.

Here is how that all played out. She handed him the 3rd grade math book and he said this isn't the right book for me I need the 4th grade book. I am supposed to go to a fourth grade classroom for math. She said "that didn't work out and you are not going." Then she said a bit later..."you are doing different parts of this book because it has some higher level stuff." Then she gave him a "getting to know your textbook" worksheet and one question was...after looking at the table of contents, what lessons/topics in this book look easy?" My son replied "all of it because I have already DONE it."

So, no, she didn't really come out and say...we are ignoring the GIEP (which I have just learned is actually called an EP here in FL and is part of the ESE umbrella under state law but a separate category with its own laws). But what she did say was in fact ignoring the EP which says in the discussion notes...

Teacher and parent met to update the EP. Teacher shared that student completed 3rd grade math (we put that there because there is no place that shows he did that on his report card...it just says "A" for a grade and then Above level but it is on his 2nd grade report card). Parent concerned that student will be discouraged if he has to repeat 3rd grade curriculum.

And then on the math page in the "needs" area it says a need exists to enrich and accelerate student's curriculum in math per above grade level performance on district and classroom assessments. (bold is my added emphasis and the whole reason we met was to add that word to the EP...I just knew this was going to happen with a new principal and widespread changes that were in the wind at the end of the year)

And if that is not horrifying enough (I am kidding here a bit, but not really) over the summer they changed the school color from one color to another and the mascot without so much as asking us. What if we really are attached to the color and the cute mascot? Our first SAC committee meeting is coming up I am sure that people will be up in ARMS about those two things only coming in second to the yearly first meeting rant about car pick up/drop off line.

I have a feeling we will be like the Auburn Tigers/War Eagles and end up with a bunch of people who refuse to give up our original mascot and years from now people will say "why do you have two mascots?" and there will be no answer.

...reading is pleasure, not just something teachers make you do in school.~B. Cleary