Originally Posted by cc6
Hi Irena smile

I rec'd enVision thru DS public independent study program- which is why I have the full workbook and teacher editions/supplements and so on... for ALL subjects.

I believe there is a website where you can purchase the math workbook if you homeschool? I think just the workbook is the one available... It is thru Pearson. Perhaps you can research that and see? **As far as enVision goes you do not need the teacher ed or the supplemental 4pg color worksheets- which the teacher says is actually the true lesson with the workbook being the homework. (the workbook is actually labeled "interactive homework workbook"). The teacher ed is just as convoluted as the rest of the program is if you ask me. (I don't use it)

Ahhh, thanks, I just wanted to look at it... like in a bookstore or something see what is covered to see where DS falls.

Originally Posted by cc6
*which national achievement test did your DS take? was this done privately? our District will not accept any type of outside testing, and said testing is very pricey in this area. I just learned I can have DS take the olstat 8 at home... I am going to have a child developmental specialist I know administer it to him. It will be for my records only. Test is approx. $85. incl result (I send form back in), and it is scored via school grade norms vs age. (did I word that right?)

Anyhow. It is truly a shame that schools would not encourage and enable our kids to move ahead esp in a subject like math! What could possibly be the benefit of not letting them move forward at their own pace?

I hope the school will listen to you and place your DS where he needs to be smile

Yes, done privately - our school thankfully considers outside testing (so I am told) and will also take a GAI in lieu of a FSIQ... I am embarrassed to say I don't know which achievement tests were used yet... Not Woodcock Johnson I suppose b/c he did those in January through the school (I guess you need wait a year between achievement tests like IQ tests? IDK. But the testing Psych saw DS's January tests so I assume she would give him something comparable but different). I think it's the one they usually do with the WISC IV? Is it called the WIAT? I'll know when I get the report (Or if I call her an bug her, I suppose).

Thanks for the good wishes! I am so anxious right now in limbo, I'll feel better when I have the actual report and know what I am dealing with!

Last edited by Irena; 09/02/13 06:47 PM.