It might help if you do an exploratory contact with the counselor first--

that way you'd know whether or not this is an adult that you want having that kind of access to your child. (OUR school counselor was "helpful" in some ways that I'm still angry over 10 months later, so your mileage may vary. Ours was incompetent enough that there wasn't even an awareness of "oooo-- this is a bit beyond my scope, I should advise you to talk to someone with more expertise," but yours might be great.)

If it were a good fit, this could be a way for your DS to get "breaks" from the classroom environment during the week, and to learn coping skills that are non-disruptive and adaptive rather than maladaptive.

It could, as you say, also provide you with insights that would be helpful.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.