So after 2nd grade that was a nightmare for DS , we have come to a decision , that we're doing homeschool this year . This will be very first time , we're a little nervous about it . It is not quite 100% homeschool , we're doing an online school , we still need to learn the structure and all . I think once we're comfortable with this , we can try doing 100% homeschool . We talked with DS before deciding about homeschool , and he actually wouldn't mind to try homeschool . At the end of the 2nd grade last year he ended up hating school and kept wanting to skip school , and this is from a child who hates holidays because he loved school so much .

I've told friends about DS being homeschooled , very few friends supportive about our decision . But most of them , seems like they're against the idea of homeschool .They commented " oh i wouldn't be able to do it , my kids are already smarter than me " or " What about friends ? how is he going to learn to socialize ? "
I was hoping that they could be a little bit supportive , last year was so depressing for everybody in this house . DS wasn't happy and of course we weren't happy either , we tried to advocate for him , we had many many conferences with school , but they just failed to keep their promises . And DS ended up hating the school .

This summer , DS is back to being himself , he is so much happier , love learning things, and doesn't have that anger in him anymore , i am not saying he's a perfect angel , but we're doing better , we're all a lot happier now .

So i am a bit nervous doing this homeschool thing but also i am a bit excited about it too . I know it's not going to be easy but i guess it'll be a lot easier to deal with ourselves than having to deal with school that doesn't do anything .

If any of you have any suggestions for us , please share !

Thank you !!!