I have never ran across a person who described their child so much like my own!! It seems as though I could have written EVERYTHING you said! I also have a 6 year old boy who is a visual spatial learner with ALL of the traits that you have mentioned your daughter has! I had to join this forum just because I was so flabbergasted as to how you were mentioning your daughter, finally someone who knows what it's like!!

The comments about having to repeat things, over and over, and how she learns things when she want to learn them are exactly those that we deal with in our son. We have also considered having his hearing checked, because of forever having to repeat ourselves toget his attention, and also because he has a hard time with his voice volume.
He has not been tested yet, but I am convinced he is gifted. When he has the inward drive to learn something, it's done in record speed. But if there is no drive, it's not gonna happen.
It's so nice to know that my son isn't the only one out there like this!