Okay, it's now 9:20 and I am regretting my decision. He woke up at 8:30 and I had a physical therapy appointment at 9. I got him dressed, fixed him some breakfast to take, let him pick an activity. We've had a 35 minute temper tantrum - kicking, hitting, screaming, pushing, pulling, running, getting out of seatbelt, fighting over gearshift, getting out of the car, etc. He actually knocked the car out of gear in the street. I had half-carried/half-dragged him to the car. So, now we are back in the house and I have put myself on time-out. He was completely out of control.

I don't know whether to take away priveleges and skip the park, ignore everything, what. He's completely ruined my day - I thought in addition to the park, we could work on some geography stuff he's been asking me about and play some games together. Now, I've got to reschedule my PT appointment (which throws off his schedule) and don't know what to do.

What happened to the peace I envisioned? What is wrong with this kid? If this is the way it's going to be, there's no way we can homeschool. I hate this.

There ought to be a law - sleeping children are false advertising. What a day.