the only way to really "learn" is to figure it out myself

I'm pretty convinced that this is the only way that anyone actually learns. Assuming that "learning" is not merely memorization, that is.


I know that my daughter, for example, is much like Sweetie in that she seems to process information in a spoken fashion. She can memorize reasonably well by writing or reading (though the former not as well as me, and the latter better), or auditorily (though nowhere near as well as her dad).

The key for her actually is NOT the mode of the interaction-- but the fact that it needs to be interactive and to have a random/unpredictable/responsive element. It's why Khan/YouTube are singularly useless to her.

I realize that is anecdote and not data. One might readily assume that this is a learning style issue, and that she is verbal and "not visual, kinesthetic or auditory." But that's not actually true. A variety of modes work for her. As long as there are other live human beings involved.

The learning style thing is no more valid than Meyers-Briggs is, actually-- but people (in general) seem to love both ideas, regardless of whether they are valid. {sigh} Truthiness rides again, I'm afraid.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.