I feel like I wrote your post ! my son is going into first grade this year, we are switching schools as our sister school offers Spanish immersion. Mostly I expect him to be just as bored as he was ( and disruptive) in kindergarten- just in Spanish. 10 + 10 in spanish is just as boring as it is in english!! I am trying to get the school to place him in the. 3rd grade gifted program ( a mere 4.5 hrs/ wk) but they think I am just a pain and I should just wait to see how school goes.. Of course it won't go well because he will be bored out of his mind and then they will say he is not mature enough to go into the gifted program. It's a double-edged sword. I know public school is probably not the ideal setting for kids that are so far ahead if the others, but here in NY we have two gifted schools and they are very expensive and far! We may end up going that route if he starts to get negative with school again. We did a gifted camp this summer a d behavior was good, counselors were impressed and placed him in grade 2 -5 gifted and he was still the most knowledgeable! I suggest you get a letter from camp detailing his behavioral and academic progress and show it to your school, along with testing. Our school tested my son for us, but are still not willing to advance him due to behavior ONLY at school as well. Get research together (Davidson articles, etc) and be as sweet as pie and get what your son needs. You are the boss of his education!