Originally Posted by indigo
Is anyone else researching the Common Core? Have others read the standards? It appears this may be the framework within which any future educational advocacy for gifted kids may occur...? Are others trying to become familiar with it?

Absolutely! I want to know as much as possible about CC for the reasons I previously stated. If I need to advocate for my children, I want to know what I'm talking about and be able to confront any barrier the school may put up.

Each state and each district will pick curriculum based on the CCSS, so I'm also looking into what our district is going to use. Not only is our district implementing CC this upcoming year, but we are also going completely digital, so we are really jumping in with both feet.

If you haven't already you may want to look at what the NAGC and Parenting for High Potential have on their website regarding CC. I found that information useful. I also like this article - http://www.examiner.com/article/com...ot-obviate-the-need-for-gifted-education