I don't want to burst your bubble, because I might be way off and she may be very physically gifted. When my eldest was 3 she was an amazing climber, great balance, truly advanced in playground skills, i got comments from other parents all the time. I remember thinking how she didn't get that from us and how wonderful that she was so much more physically able than me... Imagine my confusion when at 7 I was told she had low tone, hyper mobility, poor (resting) posture, sensory processing issues, etc... I knew these things about myself but didn't see them in her. She's the best rock climber in her class, terrifies other parents with her tree climbing, has great balance - and is spectacularly poor at all ball sports. She's pretty good at scoring well in just dance as her timing is exceptional and her left/right integration is (now) quite good - but she looks awkward. There is something markedly different about how she dances and her friends. Actually my 3yr old has a better butt wiggle (her dancing is hilarious).

My understanding of my 11yr olds physical abilities is very different to when she was 3...

Anyway, none of that might be relevant to you, but sometimes things aren't quite how they seem.