This psychologist also offers some alternative treatments for ADD. Every single test that was given at school had low scores, but every test he gave had high scores.

Well, the former is definitely a red flag... and therefore, your skepticism about the latter point is probably not without merit, either.

My personal belief is that you never go to a diagnostician who is selling cures for those diagnoses which are not available elsewhere... without at the very least getting a second opinion from someone who is NOT selling anything else.

Unfortunately, there ARE some unscrupulous people out there, and some of them have fancy titles and nice offices. Sadly, it sounds as though your radar is going off here, and while it's possible that this is a 2e child who is trapped by very real disabling conditions which are masking his/her true intellectual gifts... it's also possible that this mom just got sold something she would desperately like to believe is true, by someone who is telling her so in order to get her to keep coming back (and writing checks). The more unfortunate thing is that the school may not be of much assistance in sorting it, either, given how little help they are to 2E children.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.