I couldn't eat fish or poultry from age four (probably because I have always loved fish and birds), and have been an on again off again vego since 12. I have been a full time vego since I was 25. I have never been able to eat meat on a bone, or eggs or milk.

DS6 only likes white meat, and DS16m only likes fish. I haven't had the talk about where meat comes from, but I assume my eldest has put two and two together. I'm not going to force my views upon them, I do hope they decide to go vegetarian when they are older. I do a lot of animal activism and charity work fo animal charities and my eldest has asked to join me the next time (he is scared of most animals, but cares about their well-being very much). I think with them growing up with me talking about animals being equal, they will choose to not eat a fellow being on this Earth.