
well, they want to skip 2y, and YOU want to be in a place two years hence.

That seems like it might well be the most viable solution. My prediction is that unless there is something within policy or state law that specifically PERMITS partial homeschooling, this is also going to be viewed as a non-starter by the school, with the exact same explanation-- if YOU do it, so will everyone else. In this particular instance, I can kind of see their point, in spite of the fact that such a response to subject acceleration or private tutoring is nonsensical to say the least. What about parents who have objections to particular curriculum content related to state standards, hmm? This would definitely open that door.

Why don't you consider skipping 2y to be a viable option at this point in time?

Why not completely homeschool?

What am I missing?

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.