I should say that I had a serious book buying problem when DS was little. I love, love books, and I loved to buy them for DS. When he started tearing through books like candy, we made the switch to the public library. I think most libraries these days have partnerships with other library systems, so if your library doesn't have what you're looking for, you can order it from somewhere else. Very handy. And free.

Oh, SPG, I am with you there on the book buying issue. I had to establish rules in my head of what books were worth buying and what were library worthy - and then there is my extensive relationship with ILL!!! And don't forgt the magazines!!! And even with the attempts to put limits, DS 7's room is overrun with books - especially the murderous Maths, horrible sciences, horrible geographies and just started the histories. The only good thing is for the most part I guess right and you can see how much he enjoys them with the rereading!
When DS was in pre-k the school director said we were going to go broke trying to keep up with him. And considering they were really not serving him at the time, I was a little offended. But I now see it more clearly - with the insatiable appetite for learning we want to take advantage of all sorts of opportunities and often they cost - but hopefully without going broke!!!