Validate his grievance privately. Foster appreciation for grace and discretion in public. Waiting extended periods for scheduled appointments is unacceptable, though symptomatic of systemic shortfalls. Without advanced medical degrees and practice experience it is necessary sometimes to seek out and wait for professional guidance. Inconvenience can be weighed against the benefits. Also, maybe a conversation about expectations and differences in peoples' progress and response to therapies being similar to peoples' progress and response to [schooling, socializing..].
I believe strongly in having a "safe complaining zone," whether it be the car or a room in the house for these comments. Sometimes we all need to express our negativity to get through it - though I agree that it not be encouraged within inappropriate settings.
Do you believe that he is staging through recognizing and crusading cultural/ systemic "injustices"? seeking attention? parroting aspects of observed young middle school humor (rousing authority)?