I have for us: Writing With Ease, plain Singapore (old books) 1a -6b, Beast Academy 3a - 3d guides and practice, a new Reading Eggs subscription, Usborne World History, educational toys and games.
My arguements (to myself) in favor of homeschooling is that my kid refused to do the busywork that was offered so he got out of doing any work at school this year. He learned that by saying, "I don't know how," often enough he can get extra attention from the teacher and get out of doing any work. (They said- he can do the work. They don't know what the problem is. Don't worry, it's just immaturity; he'll grow out of it.)
By homeschooling I can practice curriculum compacting. We can pre-test the lessons, if he shows mastery he gets less work. If he gets extra attention it's when he's learning new things, not getting extra attention by saying, "I don't know. It's too hard. I can't."
He'll get more free time and be able to play outside every day. The cost will be, who will come to his birthday party? Will he still be invited to the others? Hopefully staying in all the sports teams is enough to keep him in the birthday party loop. I hope.
The good thing is- it's just kindergarten. Kindergarten is not mandatory. I can try it this year and if it's not that great no harm, no foul. He can start school when he's six without missing mandatory school at all.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar