I know perfectionism and high intelligence run hand in hand, but DS3 seems to be having these bouts of high, almost OCD like behavior that only lasts about 20-30 min. He might have been tired both times as they both happened during lunchtime, but he seemed to be back to normal shortly later without having napped yet.

The first time he had this happen, it was almost like a manic, high energy issue where his chips weren't stacked right (pringles) and he couldn't pick up his hot dog without getting ketchup on his fingers. Offering a solution (fork for the hot dog, helping even out his chips) seemed to make things worse. The second time it was the same type of reaction but with a broken banana instead. He was almost obsessed with trying to put it back together to the point where he wouldn't even look at his other food. I finally took it away from him and put it out of sight until we got him calmed down. Finally after a lot of hysterics and DH trying to help him breath deeply, he ended up eating the banana without an issue.

Both times did involve food, but this is still only an occasional thing. DS is a bit of a perfectionist, but he's always been reasonable with it to where he gets if it can't be perfect and doesn't melt down totally. Has anyone experienced something like this? How did you help your child? Is there anything I can do to help prevent it or to help him through it?