It's frustrating when bureaucracy gets in the way, isn't it...

I'd say, though, don't worry too much. Even a PG child doesn't need to start formal education this young and K might well have been frustrating anyway. Will he be basically with you this year, or in daycare, or what? I'd suggest that this coming year:

- try to find the most flexible school available to you for the following year

- do whatever you can to help your DS be strong in the non-academic aspects of school, to give him the best chance of looking like someone who'd be fine with older children, in case you need this later. Ideally, he needs to be able to follow adult instruction promptly, manage his own clothes, belongings, toileting etc, sit without fidgeting or talking, get on aimiably with other children whatever their age (including his own age!)

- academically, just follow his interests. Don't worry about teaching him, take him to the library! Encourage things that encourage fine motor skills, eg model making, drawing, writing if he's into that.

Good luck!

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