Oh MamaLisa, I understand. Our tester told us even if DD was grade skipped 3 or 3 years it wouldn't have been enough to challenge her this year. Although I know that she would not have been okay staying at grade level. Mainly dd's personality is not the kind to be an angel when bored. She tends to act up and she is not a people pleaser at all. She could careless a majority of the time (something we are really working on and is hard for me to parent because I was the complete opposite growing up).

If it helps, I know several kids who were grade skipped. I went to an academic magnet school and kids had to test to get in, then I was in the gt program there which you had to test even high into and for some kids that was not enough and they were grade skipped one to two grades. All did well and I lost track of them in college, but in school they were happy and well adjusted. I did know one girl in college who was grade skipped and started college at 16 living in the freshman dorms and she had a hard time, not academically but she ended up hooking up with some wrong guys and I think just overall had a hard time because she was immature to be living alone and all that freedom to a 16 year old. The guys she was hooking up with were in the 20's for what it's worth.

On another note, I almost skipped my senior year of high school to enter college early. My dad didn't let me, but I did get accepted in to that program after interviewing. For what it's worth I am glad I didn't but only because I would have been living at home and in the same town for college and my home life with my father was horrible and triggering for an eating disorder. My senior year of highschool was a complete joke. I coasted, earned straight A's and was bored out of my mind...I was at a magnet school in a gifted program too, luckily my photography teacher gave me keys to the lab, I would leave class constantly and go in there and work. I know the security guard, and well I take that back about not learning anything, he took me out of class to show me how to change a student's tire. He said it was a life skill I needed to learn LOL. But because I didn't skip it, I left for college, moved 12 hours away on a full paid scholarship and learned to be healthy away from the trigger influence of my father. I think if I had had a normal healthy homelife, skipping and starting college early would have been a godsend. Just some thoughts to maybe help you think. Feel free to pm me anytime. HUGS

Homeschooling on a remote island at the edge of the world.