I think for me as well as my friend, the purpose would be to have the question answered about whether DS needs something more than our PS will offer. It can also be used, assuming high achievement scores, to lobby for a teacher that is skilled w/ differentiation. If all that fails, then it would give me the impetus to pull DS out and HS if he came out several grade levels ahead AND was unhappy in K. My older son, looking back, was depressed most of K. I won't let that happen to another one. But he's a different kid, very happy-go-lucky, roll with the punches and not as intellectually intense as his brother so I think K will be fun for him....although he already complains about preK. It's a play-based preK but he hasn't really connected w/ the kids and doesn't like the toys they have. He knew all his letters and sounds and that c said /k/ and /s/ by 20months, read a Bob Book (the first one) when he was 2yrs+, was doing simple addition/sub in his head just turned 2yrs old (2+1, 4-2, 1+4) w/out being taught 1to1 correspondence or addition formally, at 2yrs old used a parallelogram and triangle and said "look a trapezoid!" He then used a parallelogram, trapezoid, and triangle to make a hexagon. Yesterday I told him he had a month left in preK he told me "that's 7x4." Upon further questioning, he told me that there are 4 weeks in a month and 7days in the week so 7x4 is the number of days. Now he only goes to preK 3days/week so it should be 3x4 lol but I'll forgive him that oversight! On more than a handful of occasions, he has answered a math problem given to his 2nd grade brother and gotten it correct. I thought it was a fluke at first.

FOr instance, we were talking money and owing money and relating it to negative numbers. He now had -$2 b/c he had $2 but was given a candybar for $4 (he go the -2 on his own). He then got an allowance of $2. I asked how much money he has, the then 4yr old said "Zero dollars b/c I owe the store for the candy bar." I thought that was good reasoning skills for a young 4yr old.

Yes, I've read optimal time to test is 7yrs old b/c the WISCIV starts at 6yrs old and the kids are more mature and will perform well on the testing.

At the Parents meeting, someone asked what if my child already knows the topics you've listed for K, the teacher responded "Then your child needs to find something else to do."