"This child is not the SAME as a child x years older, but does have the reasoning abilities of, and many of the skills of an x year old."
exactly! That is what I was hoping to say to him and show him. He seemed amenable with meeting with me, but in the past even though the instructor of the camp when dd was 4.5 requested dd be allowed to do the flora and fauna camp for 1st through 3rd graders he refused. And she wrote him saying dd was more capable than most of the children ho would be in the camp. He says "if we make an exception for her then the other parents will want exceptions made." I am hoping that presenting him with scores etc he will see what she needs and will make exceptions and maybe even put a policy in place. Sigh. We only have one thing on the whole island so I don't have many options for activities, and ALL activities on the island take place through this group.