Thanks all! It is possible he doesn't speak up because he doesn't want to stand out but even 1:1 with a teacher he may say "I don't know" instead of answering when he does know the answer - he does not love being put on the spot. Not sure if its introversion or not. I think it may be fear of being wrong (though he isn't usually lol!).

I defintely think he is a gentle soul. He is also an old soul. He likes the calmer kiddos for sure. He will be a leader in small group settings especially if he is older.

His prek teacher expressed concern early on that he was quiet when we insisted on the push to k but all I hear now is how much he loves prek - it is easy and playtime for him. He is confident I think because it is easy and a no brainier. As a perfectionist I bet he is quite comfortable! i feel that if i ask her how he does socially she will tell me great, but we also have to consider that the class is half the size and more play. to have him tell it he likes both a lot, he has friends jn both, he feels comfortable in both and he is brave and social. To have his teachers tell it, he is shy and quiet but always does his part.

I agree educAtionally that even the subject matter acceleration and afternoon project based learning they propose while remaining in K will still not provide all the academic challenge he needs; however, my concern is he will feel inadequate in sports and continually be singled out as younger and so always feel different and never have a sense of social mastery that he may get staying with age mates.

So far, every academic professional we have spoken to (even those not at his school) advocates keeping him with his age peers and doing enrichment. They state that it is best for his overall development. The "whole child" approach. As much as parents are influential, so are peers and it is hard to know what impact advancement may have on his social well being.. I know there is no way to know if his apparent introversion or shyness is age-based so we have to take a shot in the dark when making the choice to move him up or try to customize a K program for him.

Thinking slippery slope I wonder how it would feel to be last to reach puberty, last to get a license, to have to be driven on dates and to prom. To be smaller etc...

If only I had a crystal ball.