I'm no expert in the least (not even a novice) on interpreting test scores (and I am new to this forum) but, I wanted to comment on the teacher saying she had other/more gifted kids in her classroom. To that I say to the teacher SO WHAT? Those kids are not your concern here, so why does she mention them?! Does your kid (with what looks like many 'exceptional' scores above) deserve a specific amount LESS attention if there are kids who score higher on some areas? There are obviously some areas your kid COULDN'T score higher in (like 99.9) If your kid was just average, wouldn't she be scoring in the 50th percentile? You are looking for what is best for your kid, let other moms advocate for their kids! It really bothers me that the teacher points to other kids.... there is always someone smarter, better, faster. That's no reason to ignore THIS kids talent. (was that a rant?)