kelly, I think that the objection was that she identified HIM as "a rude boy" (as in, that this is a perennial character trait), which sounds as though it really isn't ordinarily the case.

That would bother my ordinarily rule-following, adult-pleasing DD, too.

On the other hand, "That is SOOOOO RUDE!!" or even "you are being very rude, {name}" is a very very different (and much more accurate, as it happens) statement. Because it isn't about the child as a person, but about a behavioral choice which was transient.

It's like the difference between:

You're a very selfish person,
you are being selfish.

The one thing (rightly) refers to a behavioral choice and the other to a personal attribute. Now, I have known people who ARE just plain rude. Not situational, it's kinda who they are.

But they tend to be pretty callous and indifferent to the opinion of others, too.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.