My DS5 (he'll be 6 in June) has been having behavior issues since 3 years old in daycare/school settings. In October 2012 we had our son tested by a Child Psychologist using the McCarthy Scale. DH and I fully expected to hear a ADHD or even possibly ODD type results.

However, our Psychologist explained that our DS was gifted. At 5.5 years old he was scoring Verbally and Cognitively at 8.5 years old. He did remind us that the McCarthy Scale is not an IQ test but armed with this information if he had to give an IQ estimate he said it would be about 140, possibly more. DS's Gross Motor skills are on target at 5.5 years old (at that time). He does not require more than 2-3 repetitions to learn something. Making the typical learning environment at school agonizingly boring. The Psychologist agreed that he can see why outwardly he seems like he has ADHD. But he doesn't. The Psychologist actually said, he truly is bored in class.

We then moved on to a non-profit in our area for now until we can find a Psychologist that specializes with gifted children that is covered by insurance (nearly impossible we are now finding). In January 2013 after many discussion with the school Principal and months of terrible behavior, it was decided to have DS moved to a new Kinder class with a more 'seasoned' teacher with a quieter room. He was not getting along with his first Kinder teacher and the way she structured her room. I was skeptical at first. But, his behavior changed OVERNIGHT and has been WONDERFUL. He obviously has his days when he seems extra scattered and agitated, and we can't seem to pinpoint what causes this. But the change was very very necessary. Though he is having issues socially and especially on the playground. His excitement gets away from him and he ends up hurting someone physically or verbally.

So we are now weeks away from the end of Kindergarten. DH and I want to sit down with the principal to discuss DS's school year and discuss what our goals for him are in 1st Grade. How do I go about making requests for testing? I could not for the life of me get anyone there to commit to having the District Psychologist test him. I know they question our private test results and they aren't obligated to do anything with them (which they haven't). But now that we know what kind of environment he thrives in and the type of structure that is best for him. What do I do? I feel stuck and I'm not sure which way to go.

Please feel free to ask me any additional questions.