Oh, and about whether or not we've seen any signs of an LD...not with learning specifically. She catches on to things very quickly.

The kind of things we have seen from her are some sensory stuff. She refused to wear socks for awhile. We finally found one specific brand she will wear but it takes forever to put them on. She will not wear jeans. I asked the pedi about the socks thing. Pedi said to just tell her she must wear socks.

She also has problems with perfectionism. She used to get upset with her work in preschool and crumple it up if it was not perfect. If anyone confronted her about not throwing papers, she would shut down and avoid eye contact. Once a preschool teacher tried to make DD look at her after she was upset and threw a paper on the ground...DD tried to hit her.

Now, that was one time and we have not had any problems with aggression towards teachers or classmates since then. I took her to the pedi after that. Pedi says she's bright kid who is very strong-willed.

She is very sensitive to criticism and teasing. Sometimes she will get herself into trouble by reacting to a kid who is teasing her.

Anyway, I think a lot of people blow it off because she is always at the top of her class.