It could be him being 'funny' too. And he is very interested in reactions and feelings right now. One of his favorite questions is 'Is Mommy happy?' It might just be part of developing emotionally. He's always been a sensitive type child, but his previous way of making others feel better was a cuddle or a quick hug.

We actually tested him this weekend on the whole 'forgetting how to spell his name' thing. DH couldn't get him to do it either, but I know he wrote his name for me both Thursday and Friday at different activities. So, he's choosing to 'forget' for some reason. I know a lot of the kids in his group are still learning their letters, so he might have noticed that, caught on to the comments or it could just be him testing boundaries and reactions.

I'm glad to know that this seems fairly common for his age/stage of development. I don't know if it's gifted related or if I just haven't heard of his friends around here doing it yet.

He's also purposely calling attention so he gets caught doing things he gets a timeout for. I'm going to guess this is all related. LOL

Thanks everyone for your responses! It is nice to hear about other kids like him having similar responses. It makes me feel better, especially since this whole gifted thing is a very big unknown path for us. It's always hard to know if things are a normal developmental thing or a challenge because of his intelligence.