Thanks, amazedmom! Ugh! What an awful response from the school. Although ds isn't being challenged, school has been sympathetic and is aware that we need to come up with a better plan for next year. crossing our fingers!

The extended norm score does seem crazy in our case, not that his achievement isn't high, it is well above grade level. More that the score is outside what one would expect.

I'm following the thread about the Flynn effect now and reading up on reasons kids might test high. Verbal precision, memory and processing would all be areas I'd have named as huge strengths... and are things that seem to cause kids to test well. (Or so I'm concluding from what I've read, which is what I'm hoping to confirm here.)

So, I suppose I'm going to look more at the regular score score. Either score -- combined with his personality -- would seemingly support the skip and the need for individual work, such as epgy could provide. Okay, can you tell I'm over thinking? trying to plan and hold in mind that our end goal is to come up with a plan that appropriately challenges him, while helping him remain the well-adjusted, happy, engaged kiddo he is now. smile