Originally Posted by Lori H.
At my son's old school they rarely allow grade skipping and they don't let gifted kids learn anything beyond grade level material. They also have more busy work for homework so that there isn't as much time for learning what they want to learn outside of school. I think this is sad. This should be their time to learn as much as they can before becoming adults with all those adult responsibilities and so little time. I don't think it is right to squander their precious learning time by forcing kids to do busy work if they have already mastered a concept.

YES! My 2nd grader regularly complains that we don't have enough time to do history or TKD b/c school takes up so much of his time. In the evenings, he needs free time to rough house or play LEGOS w/ his younger brother or to play w/ his toddler sister. Even if he's not challenged at school, it still wears him out.