Hi Jonette -
My son, now almost 10 got a lot out of 6 months of Occupational Therapy back when he was 7. One of the great leaders of Occupational Therapists, A. Jean Ayers http://www.geocities.com/heartland/2085/SENSORY.htm
Her work has helped children overcome many of the difficulties we recognise in our gifted children as overexcitabilities. http://www.southpawenterprises.com/resources.asp for more information on Sensory Integration Disorder.
Do I "believe" in SID? Not nescessarily. Do I believe that my son's ability to handle his oversensitivities, and get along in this world increased dramatically from the work he did with his OT? Absoulutly! Does Every gifted kid need this? Of course not. Would many benifit from it? In my opinion, I believe that when a child's development follows an atypical course (including gifted), it shouldn't suprise us that that child has a higher risk of certian vulnerabilities. I come from a family of "cut the tag out" "my clothes are touching me" "it's too loud in here" people, and I grew up thinking we are just whiney and would have to live with it! To me it's very exciting that a group of folks have figured out how to assist these little ones and help them "mature."

Big Smile - Trinity

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