All the Dahl books are great, but my 5yr old also picked up a lot of insulting vocabulary from Dahl. He is also reading the Wizard of Oz, Murderous Math Series (which is full of British humour, some of which I am not so fond of for a 5yr old), and I have picked up for him, but he hasn't started yet..the Beverly Clearly series, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, and EB White stuff, Mr Popper's Penguins, oh, and I just grabbed the Hobbit yesterday! He is starting to go through books like hotcakes, so I'm always looking for good reads that are content appropriate.

We plan on homeschooling , at least until we move to an area with more options. We live very rural, and there are no gifted programs, and reportedly, very poor schools. We approach school by just letting him do whatever level he can, and then try to push it slightly higher so he understands how to deal with failure and challenge.