Awesome article--thanks so much for posting and to SENG for sponsoring, and of course to the author! I really hope this school of thought becomes more prevalent--one would think the 37% number in itself would be a wake-up call.
By the way, I was daydreaming about a related article, if anyone wants to write it

feel free--something like, "Where would Bill Gates (/Mozart/take your pick) be today as a 9-year-old? Drugged up and counseled out?" ("Counseled out" is the term given by some to the practice in private schools of advising a student and family that their 'needs can no longer be served,' or to put it more honestly, the school just doesn't want to deal with you any more as a student). I actually don't know if Bill Gates had trouble in school, but I would imagine that a number of highly intelligent, highly successful adults of today had trouble in school but by virtue of growing up 20-30-40 years ago were not diagnosed and/or drugged. I think it would be interesting to find out, and would like to read an article by somebody else about it...please!

Thanks again for the post.