I'm sure you *could* let it take over, but it seems like a lot of people just use it as it is helpful to them (like maybe helping advocate at school) and otherwise aren't really involved. We did it because DD was having trouble with a particular set of teachers who were focusing on her social difficulties but not trying very hard to meet her academic needs and we thought a positive label might help. To be honest, I can't say it has yet (not many people in our area have heard of Davidson's) but I am grateful to DITD for their support and the opportunity to be part of a positive organization.
Also I just wanted to add that this board and the people on it have been great in giving some fantastic advice, help, and moral support.(as you can tell, it's a public board but is supported by Davidson's) I think this has actually been the most useful part of learning more about Davidson's, because otherwise I never would have found this board, but my impression is that most of the people who post aren't involved with Davidson's and have developed their expertise through their own hard work to support their kids--so a great source of information and ideas.

Good luck!