My daughter (2y10mo) has never consistently been a great sleeper. She dropped her naps incredibly early, and lately, she has been waking up after only a few hours of sleep at night and telling me that she's done sleeping. She does eventually go back to sleep and will get 10-11 hrs a night, but when she wakes up, she's up for awhile.

Just the other night, she woke up at 3am, woke me up, and when I tried getting her back to sleep, she started asking a million questions...Is it daylight yet? Why not? What makes the sun rise? Are the sun and moon friends? Can we go visit the moon? Are the stars out too? Why are there stars only at night? What's a shooting star? Just nonstop questions for awhile. We finally got back to sleep around 5am or least 5am was the last time I saw on the clock! She also talks in her sleep nightly and will occasionally sleepwalk.

Anyone else's kids have these kind of sleep issues?