Originally Posted by mnmom23
Originally Posted by Kazzle
I have gotten this response from other parents: "Well, if I had the option to be a stay-at-home-mom like you then my child would be just as smart. But I have to work."
Others always assume that I am constantly pushing my DS

This is what we get. That and people telling us that they would never do to their child (pushing them to grow up too fast) what we have "done" to ours.

Another friend of mine: "I preferred to let N(her DD) have a normal childhood. I didn't spend time with flashcards or anything like that."

(sigh). Neither did I.

Oh yeah (lol) ...just thought of another one. Different friend: "Hey, you can teach (her DS, then 3) to read too, right? I don't know how to work with him. Hey (her DS), go look at that book CCN has! Show him how to read."

...it was funny because at that point I was almost feeling like I had some kind of credit in my DD's early reading, but when my friend's DS stared blankly at the page and then looked away, I was aware for the first time that there really are some kids who aren't ready to read at three. Wow... and here I thought that was normal.

Last edited by CCN; 02/17/13 06:46 PM.