Originally Posted by Dandy
Bottom line for me is that DS is screwed when he runs into real educational challenge -- like those pesky college courses -- if he doesn't get his poo together NOW! Heck -- I'm not so sure he'll have to worry about college classes if he bombs his SAT math section.

I never really got geometry, but I got tutored for credit in geometry (so that I could take a trig class the next semester).

I got a 740 on the math portion of the SAT's back in 1991 (?). I also got an 800 on some other college test math achievement whachamdaoo (I remember this because I was angry at not getting an 800 on the SAT math section).

As long as he can sleep through calculus, then he will be fine on his SAT's.

For some reason, geometry is different.

I talked about this with Val (?) somewhere else here.