If it were me, I would apply and then try to defer; at worst, they'll say no, reapply, and at best, they'll say okay and you won't have to worry about applying during the gap year. I also think all this planning is wonderful and may itself have a helpful effect of not rushing in blindly to something you're not sure about. Certainly a much better approach than my blind stumbling into college without a clue how it would be or whether I even wanted to go, then having a disastrous first year and almost withdrawing. I muddled through, but it was not fun, and I was not a pleasant person to be around.

Also, for your viewing pleasure, a video with my favorite piece of music featuring an accordion (the laser dance from Ocean's Twelve):

I got a kid-sized one for DD when she was way too young for it, but I think they're pretty cool--maybe she'll take an interest some day and we'll dust it off. wink