Tomorrow I have a meeting with the school psychologist who completed my DD5 IQ testing and Achievement testing. We are hoping for a grade skip to 1st grade. The psychologist informed me by email that the IQ test results were adequate for grade skip (98% or above). She did not want to just email me her Achievement Test scores and final report, but insisted on meeting me to explain the results. My husband is convinced that this means her scores were not adequate. Does this seem appropriate after testing, or should I indeed interpret this as "scores inadequate"? Can you think of good questions that I should ask the psychologist? A search here did not come up with a list of questions, if there is one smile I like to be prepared and am not sure what to do to prepare for this meeting. In another week or so we will have the school meeting with several teachers to make a final decision. Any suggestions are much appreciated!

Last edited by Johanna; 01/31/13 08:31 PM.