Did the neuropsych offer any ideas up re why processing speed was low? I only ask because my ds was having similar difficulties with completing work during class in early elementary, not finishing assignments, anxiety, appearing distracted in class. He has a relatively low processing speed compared to his other scores, and in his case the dip in ps is due to fine motor dysgraphia - which was impacting him in a HUGE way at school and no one realized it (handwriting was very difficult and it actually hurt his wrist to write). We only found out about the handwriting challenge after seeking help for severe anxiety.

I also have a dd who had a relatively low ps and in her case, it was due to an undiagnosed vision challenge. In her case, she was complaining of vision issues too - couldn't read from the board, and was struggling with learning to read. Even so, none of us realized she had double vision!

So, fwiw, it might not be anything, but I'd want to know a little bit more about what's driving the dip in ps to be sure it's not part of what's going on at school.

My dd with the vision challenge also has a seizure disorder - do you think any of the "looking distracted" or not finishing work is due to small absence-type seizures happening that the teacher doesn't recognize? Or if he's on meds for his seizures, is it possible they are contributing to his distractability etc?

I'm sorry he's having a rough time - I hope you're able to figure out what's up.
